The Mink Man
“Pretty much everyone I asked, they told me the same thing — ‘They’re the most vicious, horrible animal alive,’” Mr. Carter said.“‘They’re completely untamable, untrainable, and it doesn’t really matter what you do.’”
So,in 2003, he decided that he would start taming mink. He quickly succeeded.
Joseph Carter known to his YouTube fans as “The Mink Man”, uses his trained mink for pest control in the local water ways in Utah. Carter and his band of minks have become YouTube stars. Followers who can watch hunts with names like “Mink vs Rat THUNDERDOME!!!”and “eRATication! RECORD BREAKING Pest Control Job With Dogs!”
On assignment for The New York Times I followed Carter to a hunt at a local park with his mink “Boon” and at his training facility he built in his backyard.